about dragonfly heart
Hi, I'm Eileen, creator of Dragonfly Heart. My degree is in education, and I am also a certified grief recovery specialist, healing practitioner, life fulfillment coach and spiritual event facilitator. I believe that life is a continuum that continues on after bodily death and that our conscious recognition of this as a species can help us rise to a new level of behavior and higher quality of living. It would change every aspect of our lives from the way we view death to the way we care for our children. I created Dragonfly Heart in order to raise awareness about something that happens to everyone, yet many feel uncomfortable discussing - dying, death and what comes after. How do you handle these issues when they touch your life in such a profound way that you are dismantled from what you know to be your way of life, your reality, and you are forever changed because of it? The books, retreats, programs and services we offer are tools that the company has designed to bring these subjects into the forefront of our lives...not so that we will live in fear of something unknown, but to integrate an organic, naturally-occurring event into an expanded view of life, eliminating fear and sorrow surrounding the transition we call death.
I was raised Catholic, but I had many experiences that led me, over the years, to become a Reiki master, hospice and bereavement volunteer, then a Grief Recovery Specialist, and now to create Dragonfly Heart as part of my life’s work. As the programs expand, I will be choosing with the utmost care those on my helping staff. They must share the ideals and heart of all that we do. If this is something that resonates with you, please feel free to send me a message about it and we'll take it from there!
Some people ask me, "How can you do what you do? It seems so depressing." First of all, I do it because I can't NOT do it - it is my calling. I tried not doing it and my life stopped working. I also do it because IT IS A REVOLUTION THAT IS GOING TO CHANGE THE WORLD. Why? Part of what I do is help people to see death from a new perspective, much less threatening, and that lessens the emotional charge of the ending of the physical body. That, in turn, will change the way people think, the way they respond in all situations, to any loss. It may seem depressing at first. But the gifts that come with the work speak for themselves. And once you can heal enough of your own individualized pain and set your ego aside, it can get EXCITING. It gets exciting when you realize that we really are not separate from one another at all, and the possibilities for collaborating are endless! In the process, you can learn many things. Sometimes you have to let go of stuff you thought was important and bring other things to the forefront of your life that you had not thought needed much attention before. It is a beautiful and endless journey, and I look forward to having you with me!
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Online coaching and consulting